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Is a Travel Trailer Right for You?

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Travel trailers are some of the most common RVs on the market, and are a big hit among a wide variety of different buyers! However, while these versatile models are a good choice for many, some shoppers will find that a travel trailer doesn’t fit their unique needs. To discover if a travel trailer is the right choice for you, or if you’re better off shopping for a different model, check out the article below.

Budget Buyers

Travel trailers are incredibly affordable RVs, and a popular pick among buyers on a budget. Not only are they cheap in terms of sticker price, but travel trailers offer a variety of other long-term savings. For example, these models are incredibly easy to maintain and care for, saving you hundreds on maintenance fees, and their low weight means you’ll save quite a bit of money on gas too.


Travel trailers are very versatile RVs, and can seat anywhere from 2 to 6 people at a time depending on your make and model. However, travel trailers are most often designed to support couples or families of three. Unless you have an exceptionally large travel trailer model, trying to fit more than this recommended amount of passengers will make your RV feel cramped and uncomfortable for the duration of your trip.

If you’re interested in purchasing a travel trailer for your upcoming vacation or camping trip, we strongly recommend stopping here at The Autoplex Group. Our dealerships in High River and Vulcan, AB both offer an enormous RV selection with models of all shapes and sizes for you to browse through, and we’re always happy to serve those nearby in Calgary, AB as well as the entire Southern Alberta region.